What makes us different: We're one and the same.
"Service" providers in hospitals, like radiologists and pathologists, are under unusual pressure in value-based care environments to demonstrate their care contribution. Pathology laboratory directors, for example, are mandated to maintain clinical quality in the face of rising demand, cost containment, and rapidly evolving market conditions.
Our message strategy for the College of American Pathologists centered on reframing their Laboratory Improvement Programs to leverage the collective value behind their offerings.
Unlike competitive organizations, the CAP offerings are based on the collective knowledge of the pathologist's peers, so they can feel more secure about the value they're providing their hospital.
Based on in-depth qualitative interviews conducted with pathologists, we also developed sub-messages that showed how the CAP could bring more simplicity and clarity to their complex world.
Most of all, we showed how the CAP Laboratory Improvement Programs helped pathologists have a greater influence on improving patient care ⎯ clearly their biggest driver of all.
"I was given something more precious than anything else I could have imagined ⎯ the peace of mind in knowing that I am a cancer survivor." David O. Rice, Patient.
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